West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Wednesday said that if her family members get a notice from any of the central government probe agencies, she would fight them legally though it has become a tough affair these days.
Her comment came after the Enforcement Directorate (ED) issued a fresh summons to her nephew and Trinamool Congress MP Abhishek Banerjee to appear before its officers on Friday in connection with its ongoing investigation into the coal smuggling scam.
"If my family gets notice (from central agencies), I will fight it legally, though it has become tough these days. I have faith in the judiciary," the chief minister told reporters here.
She said, "They (BJP) allege that the coal scam proceeds are going to Kalighat, but they don't name anyone. Is the money going to Maa Kali?"
Banerjee lives in Kolkata's Kalighat area, famous for its Kali temple.
The chief minister said she did not help anyone get properties illegally.
"If it is proved that I have encroached upon any property or helped someone in doing that, it can be bulldozed," she added.
Alleging an exponential rise in the assets of relatives of Banerjee in recent years, a PIL filed before the Calcutta High Court on Monday sought an investigation into it by a central agency.