Last date for sending your nominations is September 15, 2010.
Deloitte has called for nominations for the 6th India edition of the Technology Fast 50 (Tech Fast 50) 2010. The Tech Fast 50 ranks 50 fastest-growing companies in the Technology and related sectors by comparing their three-year revenue growth. The eligibility criteria for participating companies necessitates being a technology company headquartered in India and having operating revenue of at least US $50,000 in the first year of the three years being analyzed.
“This ranking recognizes the sustained growth of the Indian technology companies,” says P.N. Sudarshan, Senior Director, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India Private Limited. “During the 5 years of Tech Fast 50’s existence in the country, several companies have managed to be ranked repeatedly in the Top 50. This by no means is an easy task, given the dynamic market and intense competition. Therefore, being part of the ranking is something to be proud of.”
The Deloitte Tech Fast 50 is a recognized industry ranking that heightens the company’s business profile on a regional and international level, creates interest from investors and partners, boosts company image to employees and clients alike and brings unique networking opportunities with industry and sector peers.
Despite the large diversity among the winning companies, they all have one thing in common - exponential revenue growth over the last three years. The program has fellow Technology Fast 50 programs conducted around the globe. All eligible nominations in the Tech Fast 50 India 2010 program automatically qualify for participation in the Deloitte Technology Fast 500 Asia Pacific 2010 program, which recognizes the 500 fastest growing technology companies in Asia Pacific.
Companies can file their nominations at The last date for filing nomination is September 15, 2010. The results will be announced on November 12, 2010 in Bangalore.
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