Innovation, Customer Satisfaction and Quality ranked as top values both globally and by Indian companies; Concern for Environment and Sustainable Development ranked low by Indian companies
More and more companies around the world have adopted formal statements of corporate values and managements routinely identify values as a top issue on their companies’ agenda.
To explore these trends, ECCO International has executed a major study on corporate values. The study surveyed 3700 companies in 11 countries viz. Austria, France, Germany, India, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, UK, Ukraine and USA.
The top 10 Corporate Values in India as well as internationally are given below:
India Corporate Values Index 2009 |
International Corporate Values Index 2009 | ||
Rank | Value | % |
1 | Quality | 40% |
2 | Innovation | 39% |
3 | Customer Satisfaction | 26% |
4 | Integrity | 19% |
5 | Environment | 18% |
6 | Social Responsibility | 17% |
7 | Success | 16% |
8 | Know-how | 16% |
9 | Accountability | 15% |
10 | Team Spirit | 13% |
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The survey helped identify 10 leading corporate values internationally as well as in India.
ECCO International conducted a similar study three years ago in 2006 and a comparison shows that Quality, Innovation, Customer Satisfaction, Integrity and Environment continue to be the top five values globally. However, there has been a significant increase in companies adopting more ‘societal’ values like Social Responsibility, Environment and Sustainable Development among other values.
In India, Environment continues to receive low priority and is ranked 14th (as compared to 5th internationally). An interesting feature of the survey is the importance that Indian companies accord to the quality of their people with Human Resource Development now ranked among the top 10 values.
The survey was conducted by the members of ECCO International Network which studies the corporate values and its impact on the various publics and adopts a value-based approach to make corporate communications consistent and successful on a long-term basis.
ECCO International is a network of independently owned and operated communications consultancies located in over 30 countries with a combined fee income of over Euro 60 million (over Rs. 400 crores). ECCO International’s objective is to offer the best services to its clients, taking advantage of its international presence and full independence of its partners.
Pressman PR, the ECCO member in India, conducted the survey among 357 companies in India. Pressman PR is the specialist public relations division of Pressman Advertising Ltd., one of India’s leading independent communications agencies.