Global School of Management Science, pushpa vihar, Delhi organized three day orientation programme for MBA and BBA students at their Campus from Tuesday 11th August 2009 until Thursday 13th August 2009 which was bound to excite students immensely, for it will show a glimpse of the real world of business and industry, and also the opportunities that await they when they graduate. The Programme was designed both to support students in settling into the new era of corporate life and the Programme was provide the best possible foundation for success in students studies at Global School.
Orientation programme helped the students to get them introduced to theirs fellow students & key members of faculty, management & administrative teams, for you, on your journey of education over the next few years. Have an overview of the school’s vision, mission and goals, and our specific plans to transform you into a world class professional. Programme also help to Bring face to face a number of leaders from corporate, academic & entrepreneurial sides, sharing with you their thoughts and insights related to areas concerning your present and future. This was the big opportunities for students to speak to them one on one to seek clarity on anything that concerns you. Participants understand through innovative & engaging methods such as games, quiz programs, interactive sessions, visits, attributes that are required for them to inculcate in yourself in order to be the best in class.