Seminar was attended by 200 delegates including Physiotherapists from all over, students, and representatives from the Regional Labor Institute, Faridabad and work professionals from the Corporate Sector.
New Delhi, March 15, 2011: The Faculty of Applied Sciences (FAS) at MRIU has organised a workshop-cum-seminar WORKSITE HEALTH PROMOTION & APPLIED ERGONOMICS on March 14, 2011 in association with the International Institute of Health Promotion (IIHP), USA. The seminar was inaugurated by Prof. GL Khanna, Dean, FAS and was presided over by Wolf Kirsten, Founder and President of International Health Consulting based in Berlin, Germany and co-founder of the International Institute for Health Promotion (IIHP).
Dr. G.L. Khanna welcomed the esteemed guest of honour, Wolf Kirsten and Dr. Munish Chander, Deputy Director General of CWG 2010. Prof. Khanna highlighted the importance of health and wellbeing at the workplace as the modern world stresses makes an individual more susceptible to ill-health.
Kirsten helps the organisations in the development, implementation and evaluation of workplace health promotion programs, specialising on global strategies and culturally-adapted programming for multi-national companies. He has also worked with World Health Organisation (WHO), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE), and government agencies.
The Faculty of Applied Science has taken conscientious efforts in this direction in the form of numerous community health camps, seminars and conferences and Manav Rachna International University has been pioneer in the field of public health promotion.
The seminar started with the session of Dr. Pavas Jaiswal, HoD, FAS as he delved into the topic “Ergonomics, Computer Ergonomics and Risk Factors to Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorders” where he explained the essential and applied ergonomics as applicable to workstation and the disorders which can develop. He stressed on the dictum ‘making the workstation fit to worker’.
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Continuing the session further, Dr. G.L. Khanna, Dean, Faculty of Applied Sciences who echoed the previous speaker’s thoughts and expertise and took up the case of industrial health and later discussed how workers health can be improved in through industrial ergonomics.
The keynote lecture was delivered by Wolf Kirsten wherein he described the Workplace as a useful setting for Health Promotion and portrayed physical activity as a foundation block for health promotion. Later he also explained the certain case studies of automobile industries of Germany, onsite fitness concept in industries and the role of health promotion in the rising challenges. He gave enlightening information upon the WHO statistics, theoretical concepts associated with workplace health promotion i.e. principles of health promotion, research methodology, theory and models of behavior change. Lastly he also guided the participants to channelise their skills and achieve expertise in developing and evaluating cost effective health promotion programs. He also raised his concern and need for globally standardised training in health promotion for flexible and strategic solutions to help meet the major challenges international companies face with the adoption of newer global delivery strategies and policies.
Appreciating the overwhelming response, queries addressed, quest for knowledge of the students as well the audience, Dr. O.P. Bhalla, Hon'ble Chancellor MRIU, said, “The ultimate aim behind such initiatives is to bring this Institute at par with the best in the world, so that our trained students becomes the global players of tomorrow”.
The highly engrossing session was followed by a lecture on the topic ‘Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorders & Physiotherapy Management’ by Dr. Shalini Grover, HoD, MPT (Deptt. Of Physiotherapy). She delineated the common workplace disorders and their physiotherapeutic treatment. She also enlightened the audience about the various physiotherapy techniques, maneuvers and equipments available for the purpose.
The seminar was attended by 200 delegates including Physiotherapists from Delhi, students, and representatives from the Regional Labor Institute, Faridabad and work professionals from the Corporate Sector.