Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur organised HR Conclave 2010 focused on Sustaining Competitive Advantage through HR at JIM campus Jaipur on February 24, 2010. The Conclave was launched by the top level personalities of the Indian industry and the academia. The theme for this year was to sustain competitive advantage through HR. The program was commenced with lightening of the lamp by Mr Subhash jagotia, CEO of Global Business Solutions, Dr TK Mandal, VP HR of JK Group, Dr Subhash Datta, Director, JIM Jaipur and Dr Santosh Dhar, JIM, Jaipur in the auditorium. The Conclave successfully provided a one to one interactive platform to MBA students who shared their doubts and fears with renowned industry leaders. The esteemed industry leaders shared their thoughts and experiences with the keen management students on opportunities in MBA. Dr. Subhash Datta welcomed the guests and highlighted the theme of SUSTAINING ADVANTAGES THROUGH HR.
The keynote speakers for the session were: Dr T.K. Mandal (VP, HR JKPapers), Mr. Subash Jagotia (CEO, Global Business Solutions), Mr. Gera (HR Head, Reliance Communications), Mr. Santosh Joseph (HR Head, Bosch) etc.
The keynote address at the inaugural session was delivered by Dr. Subhash Datta, Director, JIM, Jaipur. Dr. Datta started the proceeding with the theme and objective of the Conclave. He said that there were many ways of training, developing HR competencies. He emphasized the need to have HR as without it would be difficult to judge a person. “Many HR functions are now undergoing a lot of change. These functions are driven and carried towards lower costs. There are a few business competencies like solid business acumen, important change, technical facilities, process orientation, IT expertise, customer service etc.” He added.
Dr Santosh Dhar, Sr. Faculty of JIMJ and program coordinator gave a brief introduction of the speakers and also insisted proper alignment between HR, business world and Business Schools.
Dr TK Mandal, VP HR of JK Group, while addressing the students said that no company can pop up within a day and hard work is required to raise a company to a status where JK is today. He said that HR helps the Industries and if CEO is from HR, he can coordinate with other departments effectively.
Mr Subhash Jagota, CEO of Solutions said, “They should not under estimate themselves, Have fire in their bellies and make a goal that they have to succeed in the life.” “HR is a concept not a department and students to acquire knowledge from every where and by all means.” He added.
He also suggested students to start net working from day one and be your own Boss rather planning to go for a job. He also suggested having knowledge of world culture as you never know where you require a particular knowledge.
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The annual Conclave at campus was designed as a working get together which allows the participants to not just listen and learn, but also to share, discuss and co-create solutions/alternatives as a take-away, by actively and collectively engaging in solving real, live problems, which are of their interest and concern.
Mr Santosh Joseph and Mr Mahesh Gera also highlighted the role of HR in Business and raising the standered of any company. Both also had interaction with the students
The vote of thanks was proposed by Prof. Ritu Singh. She thanked the guests, media persons, faculty, staff and students for their participation in Conclave 2010.