Alumni Gathering of Pearl Academy of Fashion (PAF) was held with great fanfare with about 300 alumni participating in the annual meet. It was a mega reunion where the Alumni gathered with their families, to reminisce, network, get updated and reconnect with friends around the country and the world.
Dr. A.K.G Nair, Group Director, Pearl Academy of Fashion shared developments and achievements at the Academy with the alumni. Addressing the alumni, Mr. Nair said “Our Academy can now boast of many illustrious alumni, who are leaders in Fashion Industry. Now you are to act as a binding force to further build up the visualization as well as the realization of the vision and mission of the Academy by planning effective roles as a part of the Pearl family. I am sure that we have the potential to grow to desired heights. And, this requires a devoted and dedicated effort from one and all, especially from you.”
Pearl Academy of Fashion looks forward to bringing together the alumni community on a common platform to build channels of personal and professional support to members through self-help within community. Apart from serving as a base for information about the alumni, the Academy will initiate programmes and organize events important to alumni, their alma mater and in the interest of the Fashion and Design community.
Dr. Nair added “Education is not only the driving force for a person to move ahead in life but also the inspiration to take an occasional pause and reflect back, connect with one’s alma mater and share the richness of one’s journey”
The evening resulted in sharing of reminiscent times, new networks built, rich experience shared and a lot of appreciation conveyed by the alumni to the present alumni committee for such an exemplary event management.
About Pearl Academy of Fashion:
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Pearl Academy of Fashion was founded in 1993. It is a leading fashion and design education institute in India. Graduates of the Academy are highly sought after in the fashion and design industry, and a number of PAF alumni are in key positions at leading design houses and fashion companies worldwide. The Academy takes pride in its high caliber faculty, outstanding track record in student exchange, international networking and placements. Pearl Academy has three campuses located in Delhi, Jaipur and Chennai.
The institution’s website can be found at: