Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh today conferred the ‘SCOPE Award for Excellence & Outstanding Contribution to Public Sector Management’ under ‘Individual’ category on Steel Authority of India Ltd. (SAIL) Chairman Mr S.K. Roongta, for the year 2007-08, at Vigyan Bhavan here. Mr. Roongta also received three other major awards for SAIL – the Gold Trophy of SCOPE Award for Excellence & Outstanding Contribution to Public Sector Management in the ‘Institutional’ category for the year 2006-07, and two MoU Excellence Awards in the categories ‘Mining & Metals’ and ‘Listed Companies’ for the year 2007-08.
The SCOPE Excellence Awards, instituted to recognise the contribution of public enterprises and to encourage outstanding persons for their achievements and leadership qualities, are decided annually after evaluation of established performance criteria by a jury comprising eminent persons and assisted by the International Management Institute. The five-member jury for the year 2007-08 was headed by Justice P.N. Bhagwati.
The MoU Excellence Awards, instituted by the Department of Public Enterprises under the Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises, recognise twelve Best-Performing CPSEs under the MoU scheme with the Government – one each from ten industrial sectors and the other two from among listed companies and turnaround enterprises. SAIL has consistently achieved ‘Excellent’ MoU rating for the last seven years.
Well recognised for its leadership calibre, strategic initiatives and performance management, SAIL had earlier won the SCOPE Gold Trophy in the ‘Institutional’ category for the year 2004-05 also and special SCOPE Award in the ‘Turnaround’ category for the year 2003-04.