Cricket Academy inaugurated at Manav Rachna International School, Charmwood Faridabad was launched today by star Indian cricketer Virendra Sehwag and Dr. O.P. Bhalla, Chairman Manav Rachna Educational Institutions & Chief Patron Manav Rachna International Schools.
Indian Star cricketer Virendra Sehwag inaugurated the Manav Rachna Cricket Academy today at the Manav Rachna International School, Charmwood Faridabad. This world-class, state-of-the-art facility is an initiative by Manav Rachna International School in national capital region (NCR) to groom young cricketing talent in all spheres of game, to enable them to pursue a professional career in cricket. The academy will look at training budding cricketers above the age groups of 8.
This academy will directly work under mentorship of former international Cricket Coach Mr. Sarkar Talwar, who is currently Director Sports of Manav Rachna Educational Institutions. Seasoned cricketers like Mr. Kesar Chaudhary & Rikkhi Mishra will train the cricketers.
The school has been receiving queries from the parents and budding young cricket aspirants in the NCR region since its inception in the Faridabad. The young aspirants along with their parents thronged the school to see the inaugural ceremony by acclaimed Indian cricketer.
Mr. Virendra Sehwag acknowledged the efforts MRIS has made in the field of sports and education. He mentioned that Manav Rachna International schools are one of the very few institutions that have a futuristic approach towards sports in India and this initiative by Manav Rachna Institutions will definitely be a ray of hope and aims to augment the future of sports in India.”
India is becoming home to the rapidly growing market of Cricket enthusiasts and the ‘Manav Rachna Cricket Academy’ is again an initiative in this direction with an attempt to harness and showcase the potential and increasing fan following among Cricket obsessed teens.
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Talking about the Cricket Academy, Dr. O.P. Bhalla, Chancellor, Manav Rachna Educational Institutions said, “We believe in the overall development of a student. Keeping one confined to books doesn’t serve any purpose in these fast moving times. The launch of this academy compliments our efforts to provide children with the best facilities in terms of international teaching pedagogy and world class sports infrastructure. Our state of the art cricket academy would provide quality coaching to students who have interest in cricket and aspirations to play at higher level which perfectly complements our academic structure and values”
The launch was attended by Mr. Prashant Bhalla, Senior Vice President – MREI, Dr. Amit Bhalla, Vice President MREI, Dr. M.M. Kathuria, Mrs. Nisha Bhalla, Mr. Sarkar Talwar, Director Sports MRIU and the heads of all MREI institution.