ZICOM announces audited annual results for the Q4FY08
Announcement Corporate At the Board Meeting held today, the Company declared its consolidated financial results, being first year of consolidation of results alongwith its subsidiary companies. The highlights of financial results for the year ended March 2008 are: Total Consolidated Income for the year ended March 2008 at Rs. 291.16 crores, shows a remarkable growth of over 87.24% as compared to Rs. 155.50 crores in the previous year. Total Income of the Company on standalone basis of Rs. 164.98 crores and Net Profit After Tax of Rs. 8.04 crores.
Consolidated Profit after Tax stands at Rs.1.45 crore as against Rs.7.93 crores of the previous year showing decline of 81.71% mainly due to the incurring of Rs 21.84 crores on account of launch expenses and advertising of the retail subsidiary.
The Board has recommended a dividend of 10% |
Commenting on the growth, Mr. Manohar Bidaye Chairman