Harish Goswami, who hails from Almora district in Uttarakhand, was arrested yesterday based on a complaint from Dr Surender Kumar, Senior Orthopedician of RML Hospital.
In his complaint, Kumar had alleged that Goswami introduced himself as a doctor of RML hospital and persuaded him for a loan of Rs 15,000 on the pretext that his grand mother was seriously ill.
"After few days, he again borrowed Rs 5,000 each from him and two other doctors of RML Hospital. When he was not seen in the hospital for many days, Kumar got suspicious and checked the particulars of Goswami and was shocked to know that he was not a doctor," a senior police official said.
During interrogation, Goswami said he used to frequently visit his uncle who was working at PGI Hospital, Chandigarh.
"He got well acquainted with the working in Govt Hospitals. He also wanted to become a doctor, but could not succeed. He did his graduation through correspondence. He projected himself to be a doctor in public life. For this purpose he stole the blank ID Cards of AIIMS Hospital from Administrative Department and placed his photo and fake stamp and signatures of Director AIIMS Hospital," the official said.