'Pi' leading actors Suraj Sharma, Adil Hussain and Shravanthi Sainath will be present at the red carpet and the gala screening tonight. The 3D film, set in India and based on Yann Martel's Booker-prize winning novel of the same name, has been making waves internationally. Lee shot the film in India and Taiwan.
"Life of Pi is a film that truly epitomizes the ethos of DIFF's 'Bridging Cultures' mandate. Shot in India, Canada and Taiwan, the epic 3D adventure follows young Pi in a breathtaking debut performance by Suraj Sharma, who we are honored to welcome to Dubai and the Festival...
"Suraj puts on a performance which brilliantly shows Pi's courage, hope, fear, sorrow and jubilation, exposing his incredible talent every second of his screen time.
"Life of Pi is a perfect multi-dimensional and multi-cultural masterpiece to mark the opening of our ninth edition and we are delighted to have the film's stars walking the DIFF red carpet," DIFF Chairman Abdulhamid Juma said.
Suraj, who has been appreciated globally for his debut performance as Pi, said, "Life of Pi is a universal story about surviving insurmountable odds and, combined with Ang Lee's amazing use of the cinematic medium and 3D will resonate with audiences the world over.
"This is my first film but I am honoured to bring it, alongside my co-stars Adil Hussain and Shravanthi Sainath, to open the Dubai International Film Festival."
A total of 158 films in 43 languages from 61 countries have been lined up for the festival, which runs till December 16. (MORE)