According to state BJP spokesperson Shalabh Mani Tripathi, after conducting extensive blood tests, the party had come up with a directory of 1.35 lakh of its workers, who would also double up as blood donors.
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath today dedicated the directory to the public, while commencing his tour of various districts from Gorakhpur.
Speaking on the occasion, he said, "The daily requirement of blood in the country is 120 lakh units, whereas only 60 lakh units of blood are available. This (the directory) will encourage voluntary blood donation to fill the gap."
Tripathi told PTI, "The step will help us forge a blood relationship with the ordinary citizens and help us realise Antyodaya -- the teachings and philosophy of Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyaya -- in letter and spirit."
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He added that the directory also contained the mobile phone numbers of the 1.35 lakh BJP workers.
"The directory will come in handy for patients and their relatives in critical hours. During the critical hours, the relatives of patients, especially the poor ones, are forced to run from pillar to post to arrange blood. The directory will prove to be helpful at such times," the BJP leader said.
"The enthusiasm level of the party workers was at an all-time high during the campaign. Over the last six days, blood test camps were held under the leadership of state BJP secretary Neelima Katiyar, after which the directory of blood donors was finalised," Tripathi said.
The directory consists the names of the blood donors (district-wise), their blood groups, mobile numbers and residential addresses.
Tripathi said all the 75 districts of the state had been represented in the directory.
"The directory will be made available at all the district hospitals. The party workers (donors), whose names have been mentioned, will be allowed to donate blood twice a year," he added.
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