According to police, Mohd Dharick, a resident of Sivaganga district of Tamil Nadu, was arrested by a team of Crime Branch from New Delhi Railway Station on December 13 after it received a tip-off about him.
"On questioning, Mohd Dharick revealed that in the last days of November, he, along with Nazir Ali, came to Delhi to do a recce and returned to Tamil Nadu. On December 11, Dharick, Nazir Ali, Mujibur Rahman and Abdul, alias Abbas, came to Delhi from Chennai by air.
They took the bag containing heroin from a bearded man near Kashmere Gate Metro Station and returned to Pahar Ganj. All the four then decided to return to Chennai via New Delhi railway station, he said.
At the railway station, Nazir Ali instructed Dharick to wait at a place with the bag and took Mujibur and Abbas to make arrangements for the journey to Chennai.
On sustained interrogation, Dharick said the recovered heroin had been transported from Afghanistan to Jammu and Kashmir via Pakistan. This drug was being carried to Chennai from where it was to be transported to Sri Lanka and its final destination was Europe via Dubai (UAE), said Yadav.