DIG of North Chotonagpur Division, Upendra Kumar, confirming the death of one person, said trouble began a when group of about hundred people standing on the road opposite the ground at Charowa Das, 8 kms from here on Hazaribagh-Katkumsandi road, pelted stones at an over 10,000-strong gathering.
Hazaribagh Deputy Commissioner Mukesh Kumar said about 22 Muharrum Akharas from nearby villages and Hazaribagh town had assembled to take part in the procession.
The mob also set ablaze the vehicles of the circle officer and inspector of police, which were parked at the site, as well as a number of other vehicles including two wheelers belonging to people who turned up to watch the procession.
The DIG said the dead man was identified as a resident of nearby Khutra village but it was not clear whether it was due to police firing or firing by the mob.
"The reason for the death can be ascertained only after post mortem," he said.