"All passengers except one disembarked safely after aircraft landed at the airport," Daallo Airlines said in a statement. "Investigations are underway to ascertain the cause of one missing passenger."
Aviation experts and the pilot who landed the plane safely in Mogadishu after the explosion on Tuesday have said they fear the blast was a bomb. There has been no official confirmation of the cause of the explosion.
It was not clear if the missing passenger had been on the plane and was potentially blown up in the blast -- or sucked out through the ragged hole ripped in the metal -- or if there was some miscounting with the list of those on board.
"Two passengers have been reported to have suffered minor injuries and they were taken to the hospital for treatment," Daallo added.
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The airline operates flights across Somalia and the wider Horn of Africa and Gulf region.
Somalia's government has said the blast was believed to be caused by a problem with the air pressure.
"The flight was approximately 15 minutes in the air when the incident happened which caused a hole in the fuselage," Daallo added.
The Serbian pilot has said he thought the blast, which ripped the fuselage from inside to out, had been an explosive device, according to reports in the Serbian newspaper Blic yesterday.
Pilot Vladimir Vodopivec, 64, told a friend he thought it was "a bomb", without giving more details.
Vodopivec added that the blast did not damage the navigation systems, and while cabin pressure was lost, he was able to guide the plane back safely to land at Mogadishu airport.
It was not caused by any issue of pressurisation, he said, for the blast ripped the metal outwards.