: Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu Tuesday said the announcement of the Centre providing for 10 per cent reservation for the economically backward people was made in view of the Lok Sabha polls and also to divert the attention from the alleged Rafale scam.
''However, we support the 10 per cent reservation for the economically backward,'' the Chief Minister said at a public meeting at Kosigi village in Kurnool district, as part of the Janmabhoomi programme.
''At the same time, we sought inclusion of Valmiki community in the ST list, washermen community in the SC list and extension of reservation for Kapus under the backward castes quota,'' he said while recalling that the state legislature had passed bills in this regard and sent them to the Centre for approval.
The Chief Minister announced a grant of Rs 100 crore for the benefit of the Valmiki community.
Meanwhile, TDP politburo member and state finance minister Yanamala Ramakrishnudu, in a statement, questioned the sincerity of the BJP in extending the 10 per cent reservation for the economically backward as the national party was fundamentally opposed to reservations.
He said, ''It was the BJP that provoked the anti-Mandal protests when V P Singh was the Prime Minister.''