Additional Sessions Judge Gautam Manan, while handing down the jail term to 24-year-old Udhav, said, "The nature of the offence committed by the convict does not demand that he be released on probation."
"Keeping in view of the overall circumstances of the case, interest of justice would be met, if the convict is sentenced to rigorous imprisonment for a period of 10 years along with fine of Rs 5,000," the judge said.
"It has been time and again emphasised that the children are a 'supremely important national asset' and the future well- being of the nation depends on how its children grow and develop."
While sentencing the youth for committing the offence under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, the court also directed that victim be granted compensation for her rehabilitation.
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After searching for the girl for sometime, her parents found her in a frightened condition and the girl told them that the accused had gagged her mouth and sexualy assaulted her, the police said.
During the trial, the accused had denied the allegations and claimed he was falsely implicated.