While Sankar Eye Hospital, Tamil Nadu will operate the hospital to provide modern eye care services, Tata Steel provided Rs 42.3 crore for construction of the building.
"We hope the hospital will provide quality eye care services in mission mode to the patients of the state," Patnaik said at the inauguration.
"I am sure that this hospital will become a pioneer in eye care treatment in the region. I thank Sankara Eye Hospital and Tata Steel for this noble initiative," he added.
During his visit to the district, chief minister also inaugurated the piped drinking water projects for the villages at Mahirakana (Rs 47.06 lakh), Silapapalli (Rs 36.48lakh) and Sunadei (Rs 61.96 lakh) and laid foundation stone for the Ghatakeswra multi-purpose irrigation project over Ghadaka river at Kankia.
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The much awaited irrigation project would provide irrigation facilities to around 500 hectares in eight nearby villages and the drinking water facilities to around 75,000 people in Berhampur town, officials said.
The government has sanctioned Rs 45 crore for the school, the first of its kind in the state, for construction of the buildings. The residential school will start from 2018 in CBSE pattern and offer studies from Class VI to Class XII, said Ramesh Chandra Sia, director, SC&ST development department.