A day after the first COVID-19positive patient was detected in Tripura, a total of 108 people including her family members, relatives and neighbours who came in contact with her were placed under quarantine, a minister said on Tuesday.Doctors and nurses who attended to her earlier and an ambulance driver who brought her to a hospital were also quarantined, Law Minister Ratan Lal Nath who is also the cabinet spokesperson said."Their samples were sent for testing. The results are yet to come. However, four of them are suspected to be of high risk," he said.While 42 people including doctors, her family members and relatives are in institutional quarantine, 66 others are on home quarantine.A 44-year-old woman tested positive for coronavirus on Monday, making it the first case in Tripura.The woman, who is from Udaipur town in Gomati district, is currently undergoing treatment at the GB Pant Hospital in Agartala.She was admitted to a private hospital in Agartala a few days back with cough, fever and breathing problem and later she was shifted to the government facility.Gomati District Magistrate TK Debnath said the administration would cordon off one km radius area around the house of the woman.