The insurgents belonged to People' Revolutionary Party of Kangleipak-Progressive (six), Kanglei Yawol Kann Lup (two), People's Revolutionary Party of Kangleipak (one), Pepole's Liberation Army (one), United National Liberation Front (one) and Kangleipak Communist Party-Lamyanba (one).
Ibobi Singh appealed to the insurgents to lay down arms and participate in development programmes implemented by the state government for the welfare of the people.
Deputy Chief Minister Gaikhangam who holds the portfolio of home, Director General of Police Mrinal Kanti Das and top-ranking police officers were also present on the occasion.
Das said those who have laid down arms and surrendered before the government would be properly rehabilitated and given incentives as per rules to begin a new life.
Official sources said more than 300 insurgents who belonged to different outfits have surrendered this year.