Police arrested the 13 persons while they were providing answers to candidates appearing for the II Grade Teachers test at Pratibha Senior Secondary School, a senior police officer said today, adding that cash worth Rs 16 lakh, 47 mobile handsets, 2 laptops, data cards, printers and 7 vehicles were seized.
Based on a tip off, police conducted a probe and caught some persons, who were providing answers to the candidates using cell phone, Police Commissioner Sachin Mittal said.
The gang behind the cheating had charged Rs 3 lakh per paper, of which Rs 1.5 lakh was taken in advance. On the other side, they approached the principal and lured him into providing the images of the question paper through WhatsApp application in return for Rs 4 lakh per paper, the officer said.
"The moment they received the image of the paper, they connected to those candidates, who they had already sent into the examination hall with a small Bluetooth device, giving them answers with respect to their paper series," Mittal said.