Additional district and sessions judge Siddthartha Roychowdhury ordered them also to pay a fine of Rs 5000 each failing which they would serve one more year of rigorous imprisonment.
The 13, who hail from the Subalpur village of Birbhum district as also the woman, were pronounced guilty by the court yesterday.
The judge had found all of them guilty under sections 323 (voluntarily causing hurt), 342 (wrongful confinement) and 376(2)(g) (gang rape) of the IPC.
The punishment was awarded by a Kangaroo court in the village.
A police complaint was lodged on January 22 against the 13 persons.
The young woman was admitted to Suri hospital and after a week's treatment she was transferred to an NGO-run government approved home at Suri. She has been there since then.