At least 13 undertrial prisonerslodged in a sub-jail in Dahod district of Gujarat escaped after breaking the door locks of their rooms and barrack early on Friday, officials said.The incident took place around 3 am in the sub-jail of Devgadh-Baria town in Dahod district when 13 undertrial prisoners facing serious charges, such as rape and murder, escaped after breaking the locks of their rooms and barrack, District Superintendent of Police, Hitesh Joysar, said."They first broke the locks and then escaped by jumping over the wall of the sub-jail. The incident happened despite the presence of jail guards. We have launched a massive search operation to nab the escaped inmates," Joysar said.In-charge jailor of Devgadh-Baria sub-jail, Punamchand Rana, later lodged a police complaint against the 13 prisoners."Out of around the 80 prisoners lodged in the sub- jail, 13 inmates kept in room number 3 and 4 of barrack number 1 broke the locks on the doors of their rooms and barrack to escape," he said.In the complaint, Rana also sought action against four jail guards for their negligence.