A rescue operation has been launched by the district officials to save the child - Krishna Lodhi - who accidentally fell into the 100-feet dry borewell at Lidhora village under Bhagwa police station limits last evening while playing in an agriculture field, sub-divisional magistrate Ravindra Choukse said.
A parallel pit is being dug by pressing JCB machines into the job, but the operation hit a roadblock due to the presence of a large stone which rescuers are trying to break to get access to the trapped boy, he said.
A medical team is supplying oxygen to the trapped boy with the help of a pipe, Choukse said.
The borewell was apparently dug about two months back, but when no water was found in it, the field owner abandoned it. The field belongs to a labourer, who is presently not in the village, a local resident said.