Of them, a maximum of 55 are working in Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC), 16 in Department of Telecommunications, 11 in Ministry of Railways and six each in Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board, UCO Bank and Bank of Maharashtra, the CVC said in its performance report for September.
Five officials each working in Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Indian Bank, Indian Oil Corporation Ltd and four each in New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) and State Trading Corporation of India have been recommended for imposition of penalty by the probity watchdog during the month, it said.
The Commission has processed 2,940 complaints (including 22 from whistle blowers) during the month and sought investigation or factual report in 97 complaints from the ministries or departments concerned.
"On the advise of the Commission, the Competent Authorities imposed major penalties in respect of 79 officials of various ministries, departments or organisations, which include a Chief Commissioner of Income Tax and a General Manager (Engineering Division) from Andrew Yule Company Ltd," it said.
"The Commission was deeply concerned over continuing delay in filling the post of Chief Vigilance Officer (CVOs) in Air India Charters Ltd(AICL), Security Printing and Minting Corporation of India Ltd,Employees Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) and Goa Shipyard Ltd," it added.