As per the Budget proposal, Rs 433.52 crore has been earmarked for the expenditure under the head Cabinet. Rs 375 crore was allocated for the same in 2013-14.
Rs 5.80 crore has been allocated for salaries of Cabinet Ministers and Ministers of State. Last year, the provision was Rs 5.75 crore
Rs 271.80 crore has been allocated for expenditure on travel by the Union Ministers and former Prime Ministers. This includes provision for maintenance of aircraft utilised for VVIP travel. Rs 260.26 crore was given for this in 2013-14.
Rs 54.15 crore has been earmarked for the expenditure on salaries, travel expenses, office expenses and other establishment related expenditure of Cabinet Secretariat.
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A provision of Rs 38.44 crore has been made for the salaries, travel expenses, office expenses and other establishment related expenditure of PMO.
Rs 5.09 crore has been earmarked for expenditure on salaries, travel expenses and other establishment related expenditure of Principal Scientific Advisor/ National Advisory Council.
There are 45 Ministers in the Narendra Modi-led government. The total number of Ministers in previous Manmohan Singh government was 68.