"The incident took place around 11 AM in Luchkighat valley, located around 15 kms away from Ambikapur district headquarter on Ambikapur-Seetapur Road, when the victims were going to attend a marriage ceremony," Surguja Superintendent of Police P Sundarraj told PTI.
The pick-up vehicle ferrying around 40 people was heading towards Pratappur from Ambikapur. When it reached Luchkighat, the driver lost control over the vehicle and it ran into a roadside tree after which it overturned, he said.
Three injured children are said to be in a critical condition.
Soon after getting the news of the accident, a police team was sent to the spot, Sundarraj said.
The victims were later rushed to Ambikapur district hospital, he said adding that most of the deceased had sustained head injuries.