"The accused, identified as Sanjay Yadav (23), Mohammed Arman Ansari (23) and a 16-year-old boy, were arrested today based on the statement given by the girl's parents in Korba town," said Assistant sub-inspector Rafique Khan.
The incident came to light recently when the girl was found to be pregnant by doctors at a local hospital she had gone to after feeling unwell, Khan said.
The incident dates back to March when the girl, a student of class IX, was sexually assaulted by the trio when she was alone at her house under Rampur outpost of Korba town.
After the doctors found her pregnant, the girl confided in her parents following which they rushed to police station and lodged a complaint against the youths.
A case has been registered under section 376(g) (gang rape) of Indian Penal Code and section 3 and 4 of Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act-2012 against accused, Khan said.