"The liquor boxes were caught at Bhondsi crime check-post during checking by the static surveillance team number-3, headed by Deputy Director Animal Husbandry K K Bajaj, from a mini-truck," said Vivek Kalia, Assistant Returning Officer Sohna.
When enquired, the driver said that the liquor boxes were being transported from Ashok Vihar L-1 to Harchandpur liquor vend but failed to produce necessary permit.
"The liquor boxes have now been handed over to the Excise department for further enquiry if it was being transported legally or not," Kalia said, adding a memo was also being served on the L-1 shop from where it was being transported.
Both the vehicles were seized as they had not requisite the ARO and handed over to SHO Sohna.
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According to Kalia, while checking at Sohna main chowk, near Bus Stand, it was found that a car was canvassing for Rashtriya Morcha Party candidate Umed Yadav with loud speaker mounted on it.
During checking, the vehicle was found to have the permission from ARO Gurgaon North for plying in Gurgaon assembly segment only but violating the norms, it was canvassing in Sohna area. Also, it was found that the registration number of the vehicle on the permit was also changed by overwriting.
"Both the vehicles were impounded and handed over to SHO Sohna," Kalia said.
Meanwhile, Returning Officer and Deputy Commissioner Gurgaon Shekhar Vidyarthi today stressed that no malpractices would be allowed in the elections and would be kept under check through multi-layered checking system in Gurgaon Parliamentary constituency.
The Flying Squads and Static Surveillance Teams as well as the Sector Magistrates have been constituted.
The Election Observers deputed by Election Commission of India were also taking rounds and seeking reports from the teams on daily basis, he added.