Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah today said the 15th Lok Sabha was going to enter the record books but for no good reason, apparently referring to the unruly scenes in the Lower House of Parliament over the Telangana issue.
"So the 15th Lok Sabha is going to be one for the record books and for absolutely no good reason whatsoever," Omar wrote on micro-blogging site Twitter.
In a new low in India's parliamentary history, pepper spray was used in the Lok Sabha resulting in hospitalisation of three MPs following a ruckus over introduction of the Telangana bill after which 18 Seemandhra MPs were suspended.
"So the 15th Lok Sabha is going to be one for the record books and for absolutely no good reason whatsoever," Omar wrote on micro-blogging site Twitter.
In a new low in India's parliamentary history, pepper spray was used in the Lok Sabha resulting in hospitalisation of three MPs following a ruckus over introduction of the Telangana bill after which 18 Seemandhra MPs were suspended.