A sum of Rs 58 lakh were realised from 16,000 nabbed, Chief Public Relation Officer (CPRO) Arvind Kumar Rajak said in a statement today.
Likewise, a sum of Rs 1.91 lakh was realised from men travelling illegally in compartments reserved for ladies in the five divisions of the ECR, he said.
The ECR CPRO further said that 343 passengers were caught smoking in trains despite ban in the current year so far.
Rajak said that the special drive was launched on the direction of General Manager Madhuresh Kumar.
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He said 13,000 people were caught travelling either without ticket or improper ones and Rs 44 lakh taken from them as fine under Railway Act.
As part of crackdown on illegal vendors a total of 422 persons were held and Rs 3.8 lakh penalty taken from them, Rajak said.
Another 700 persons were punished on the charge of loitering around in rail premises unauthorisedly, travelling on footboards of train or on the roof and forcing gatemen at railway crossings to open the gate or jumping it and Rs 3 lakh realised from them during the period, the ECR CPRO said.