A spokesman of Haryana Health Department said here that these districts included Ambala, Faridabad, Gurgaon, Jhajjar, Karnal, Kurukshetra, Mewat, Palwal, Panchkula, Panipat, Rohtak, Sonipat and Yamuna Nagar.
Today about 55 per cent of the total targeted children were covered at specially set up 10,583 booths in these districts, he said.
"Those who could not be covered today, would be administered polio drops by special teams who would go from home to home for nest two days," he said, adding, a total of about 26 lakh children are to be covered during this campaign in the state.
During this round, special attention has been paid to high risk areas like slums, isolated hutments, brick kilns, floating or migrating population and those living at construction sites so that no child is left uncovered in these areas, he said.
About 1,000 mobile teams are also working during the activity to cover all children in underserved and poorly approachable areas.