According to a briefing given by District Health Officer Dr Arjun Kumar to Deputy Commissioner, Tharparkar, Shahzad Thaheem, the children below the age of five years died due to serious complications.
He said in the past four months at least 245 children with serious complications were referred from hospitals within Mithi area of the district.
According to the report, in past four months, around 39,795 children were brought to hospitals and clinics of the district out of which 4,123 were admitted.
Social worker Dr Sono Khangarani claimed that more than 90 per cent of those children referred to hospitals in Karachi and Hyderabad died on their way to the hospitals.
Officials say that a drought-like situation in Tharparkar, unavailability of clean drinking water, inadequate medical facilities and medicines, including shortage of doctors and paramedics, had led to the high rate of deaths among children and infants.
The areas of Mithi, Diplo, Islamkot, Chhacchro, Nagarpakar and others in Tharparkar are facing a drought-like situation.