While 10 villagers died at Girachandrapara, a remote village of Gandacherra subdivision during the past one week, seven deaths were reported from a tribal hamlet from Longtharai Valley subdivision since June 2.
He said a medical team has left for Girachandrapara to conduct a special camp there while another team would leave for Longtharai Valley subdivision tomorrow.
Chief Medical Officer of Dhalai district has sent two teams to Girachandrapara with medicine and instant malaria diagnosis kits.
Dhalai and South districts have been declared as drug resistant districts where first generation anti-malarial drugs do not work.
"We are using second generation of anti-malarial medicines," said Additional Director of Family Welfare Dr N Darlong.
A general advisory warning has been passed to all CMOs to take all precautionary measure to avoid an outbreak of malaria, he added.