Investigators recovered Rs 2.16 lakh and playing cards from the suites. The gamblers were booked under the Public Gambling Act at Parliament Street Police Station and placed under arrest. They were later released on bail.
"We had received a tip off following which two adjacent suites, number 620 and 622 in Le Meridien Hotel at Windsor Place, Janpath were raided around 10:30 PM. We apprehended 18 gamblers who had gathered from trans-Yamuna for the purpose of large-sale gambling," said Additional Commissioner of Police (New Delhi) S B S Tyagi.
These people were small time businessmen and included people like dairy owner, a naturopath doctor, travel agent, shopkeeper among others.
"Board money to the tune of Rs one Rs 1.10 lakh and cash worth Rs 1.6 lakh was seized from the gamblers. Upon interrogation, they informed that they had gathered at the five-star hotel as it offers them a safe hideout away from the scrutiny of the police and other law-enforcement agencies," said Tyagi.