The Delhi High Court today sought a response of CBI on the bail plea of former Municipal Corporation of Delhi councillor Balwan Khokhar who has been convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment for killing five Sikhs in a 1984 anti-Sikh riots case.
A bench of Justices G S Sistani and G P Mittal issued a notice to CBI for August 27 and also admitted Khokars' appeal against his conviction and sentence.
Khokar was among the three persons who were awarded life imprisonment by the trial court in May.
While the trio were sentenced to life imprisonment, two others -- Mahender Yadav, Kishan Khokhar--were given three year jail term each.
The trial court had, however, acquitted Congress leader Sajjan Kumar in the case. His acquittal has also been challenged by the family members of the victims in the same court.
A bench of Justices G S Sistani and G P Mittal issued a notice to CBI for August 27 and also admitted Khokars' appeal against his conviction and sentence.
Khokar was among the three persons who were awarded life imprisonment by the trial court in May.
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The other two who were awarded life sentence are Girdhari Lal and Captain Bhagmal.
While the trio were sentenced to life imprisonment, two others -- Mahender Yadav, Kishan Khokhar--were given three year jail term each.
The trial court had, however, acquitted Congress leader Sajjan Kumar in the case. His acquittal has also been challenged by the family members of the victims in the same court.