CBI prosecutor Sanjay Kumar told Additional Sessions Judge Anuradha Shukla Bhardwaj that the complainant Lakhwinder Kaur, whose husband Badal Singh was killed in the riots, has no "locus standi" in the case as she was the complainant in the main killings case.
"She has no locus standi as she was neither a complainant nor a witness or an informant in the main case. The petition is not maintainable and should be dismissed," the prosecutor argued.
"CBI has started the arguments. Part arguments heard. Revisionist (Kaur) says her advocate is not able to enter the court premises due to lawyers' strike. Put up the case for April 4 for further arguments," the judge said.
The court was hearing final arguments on the petition challenging CBI's closure report and clean chit to Tytler in the case.
Earlier, the judge had warned CBI that if it does not begin its arguments on the next hearing, she would pass the order in the case on the basis of available evidence.