The two accused, identified as Sandeep Yadav (26) and Babloo Sharma (22), both residents of Faridabad, were nabbed from their hideouts by personnel of Hauz Khas police station within hours of the incident, police said today.
Police received a PCR call around 8.55 PM that a woman had been pushed off a white car on Aurobindo Marg near AIIMS Gate No. 1. When local police reached the spot, it found that she had been taken to Trauma Centre of AIIMS by a PCR van.
"The victim alleged that she has known Sandeep Yadav for the past five years. Sandeep had taken Rs 7 lakh from her on different occasions on one pretext or other. Later, he had returned Rs 4 lakh but refused to pay the remaining amount. Thereafter, he started threatening and chasing her," said Deputy Commissioner of Police (South) Prem Nath.
Around 8 PM yesterday when she was on way to her house from office in an autorickshaw, she noticed that Sandeep, along with a person, was chasing her in a car.
When the victim raised alarm, she was thrown out of the moving car and the duo escaped from the spot.
Police registered a case and during investigation, the team located the vehicle used in commission of the crime on the basis of partial number given by the victim and the two were nabbed.