Dr Gautam Pandit, working at the Lal Bahadur Shastri Hospital under Durg's Supela police station limits, and two constables - Chandraprakash Pandey and Saurabh Bhakta - were arrested for raping the girl, Durg district's Additional Superintendent of Police Rajesh Agarwal told PTI over phone.
Quoting a complaint filed by the girl and her family members, Agarwal said the girl was injured in a road accident on June 19 last year, following which she was admitted to Lal Bahadur Shastri hospital.
After she was discharged from the hospital, the two constables allegedly started harassing her and later sexually exploited her while threatening that they were in possession of an obscene video of her recorded in the hospital.
On Tuesday, when the girl went to her college, the two policemen apprehended her and took her along with them around the city, the police officer said.
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When the girl threatened to commit suicide, the two accused fled from there.
The same night at around 11 PM, some police officials saw the girl standing alone near Power House crossing in the city, the ASP said.
Subsequently, the three men were arrested today, Agarwal added.