Dimapur SDPO Relo T Aye said Hotel Raj Valley's owner Santosh Chetri was shot dead inside his hotel at Purana Bazar, Dimapur, on June 12.
His business partner, Arvind Kumar alias Rinku, had hired a professional killer Boto Sumi to murder Santosh who reportedly ill-treated him, the SDPO said.
On June 12, Rinku and Boto came to Hotel Raj Valley in a car. While Rinku waited in the car, Boto went inside and shot Santosh dead, Aye said.
The murder weapon and the vehicle used for the crime belonged to Boto's friend Johnson who was reportedly a cadre of GPRN/NSCN. He is also a resident of Thilixu village.
The weapon was also recovered, the SDPO said.