They were rushed to a hospital in the area and were later shifted to Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narayan hospital. The woman sustained 60 per cent injuries while her husband, who had tried to save her after hearing her cries of help, received 48 per cent burn injuries, said a senior police officer.
The couple in their statement given to the police said that the fire was accidental.
Balwan Singh, 55, a group IV employee of MCD lives with his wife Ishwanti in Narela.
Alarmed by their cries, neighbours came to rescue and managed to drag them out of the flames. They were immediately rushed to a nearby hospital from where they were later shifted to LNJP hospital, he said.
Fire brigade was called by the neighbours that controlled the fire while the injured couple were rushed to the hospital.
The condition of woman was serious and for a brief spell she was able to talk to the police saying that her clothes caught fire accidentally during cooking, the officer added.