Patna Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Manu Maharaj said the smugglers were nabbed from Kalyanpur village in the district and they have been identified as Sunil Kumar Singh and Sanjeev Kumar. They had hidden the ganja consignment in an underground chamber beneath sacks of onions and potatoes.
"We had been getting information that a narcotic gang was active in the area. It used to bring ganja from Odisha and West Bengal to supply it in Bihar, Jharkhand and Uttar Pradesh. We mounted a watch to gather intelligence and learnt that Sunil brought the narcotic weed with his associates and stored it at his house at Kalyanpur," said Maharaj.
"Sunil has confessed his role in the crime. This particular consignment of ganja was meant to be supplied in Uttar Pradesh, and was supposed to be sent out tonight," added Maharaj.
The police has also seized a car belonging to Sunil. It is registered in West Bengal. The arrested duo is being interrogated about their links.
The police is also trying to estimate the value of the recovered ganja which can run into several lakhs of rupees.