23-year-old Khalil Mansuri and his relative 19-year-old Rehan Mansuri were arrested yesterday from Adarsh Nagar in northwest Delhi and six high-end mobile phones and a bike was seized from them, Additional Commissioner of Police (Crime), Ravindra Yadav said.
During interrogation, the accused told police that they were inspired by bikers of Bollywood series 'Dhoom' and they tried to imitate the actions of the villains in the movie while committing the crime by escaping on the bike in seconds.
The mobile phones worth Rs two lakh and motorcycle, used by them for commission of crimes, have been recovered from their possession, he said.
During interrogation, the accused disclosed that they had snatched a number of cellphones, particularly at dark places, police said.
The accused wanted to lead a lavish lifestyle for which they started committing snatching and also developed a "strong craze for new and powerful bikes," they said.
The snatched mobile phones were sold to some buyers in Seelampur here by them and the money was used to buy expensive and branded clothes.