In Delhi the maximum number of cases was reported from south Delhi, at seven, while east Delhi recored three cases. Six cases were recorded in north Delhi, a recent report by the South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC) said.
A case each was reported from Uttar Pradesh and one other state from January 1 till July 4.
"While dengue cases are being reported, its number this year is expected to be lower this year by the end of the season, as we taken all precautionary measures to ward off the vector-borne disease," a senior official of the North Delhi Municipal Corporation (NDMC) today said.
In 2014, the city reported three deaths and recorded nearly 1,000 cases.
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The SDMC compiles the dengue and malaria report on behalf of all civic bodies in the city.
In 2013, over 5,500 cases were reported, while six people had died due to the disease.
The capital had witnessed a large number of dengue cases in 2010 with over 6,000 cases reported in the city. In 2008, over 1,300 cases were registered, 1,153 in 2009, over 1,100 cases in 2011 and 2,093 in 2012.