Kulkarni, one of the accused in the scam, told Special Judge Narottam Kaushal that police failed to conduct further probe in the case to expose "horse trading" that was allegedly going on to save the then UPA-I government in the vote of trust in the Lok Sabha on July 22, 2008.
The court was hearing arguments on framing of charges in the case in which former Samajwadi Party leader Amar Singh, BJP MPs Ashok Argal and Faggan Singh Kulaste and former MP Mahabir Singh Bhagora, BJP activist Sohail Hindustani and Sanjeev Saxena, Amar Singh's former aide, are also accused.
The high court had in its order said "none of the petitioners was the beneficiary of the amount received by the three MPs from petitioner Sanjeev Saxena. In fact, it was the prosecution's own case that the MPs did this act to entrap Congress and Samajwadi Party so as to expose them.