Additional Sessions Judge Daya Prakash dismissed the bail plea of both the accused while allowing the application of special cell of Delhi Police seeking 15 days time to complete their probe against them in the case relating to a blast at M block market in Greater Kailash-I here on September 13, 2008.
The court also issued production warrants for presence of both the accused, who are presently in Mumbai under custody of Maharashtra ATS, before it on April 3.
"Necessary coordination is being established with central intelligence agencies to confirm the identity of this suspect so that necessary legal information for his extradition/ deportation can be taken up expeditiously," police said.
They also informed the court that during investigation, Akhtar has revealed vital information about Ariz Khan, one of the wanted accused in the case, and an operation was going on to apprehend him.
"A question arises for consideration that whether period of investigation can be extended from 90 days to any period not exceeding 180 days under section 43-D of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act in the absence of accused," Khan said.