Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Wednesday announced that 2020 would be observed as 'Susashan Sankalp Varsh' during which suggestions and reforms in the field of governance would be invited from the people of the state.
A dedicated website would also be prepared for the purpose on which the people could upload their suggestions. The best among all such suggestions to be received on the website would be considered by the state government, Khattar said while addressing a state-level 'Good Governance Day' programme in Gurgaon.
He also announced three categories of awards for the outstanding government employees, according to an official statement.
In all, 500 awards would be given to the employees in the state on December 25, 2020.
Earlier, the chief minister launched five new e-initiatives, including website of 22 districts of Haryana.
With the launch of additional 42 new schemes and services on 'Saral Portal' on Wednesday, the number of such schemes and services has reached to 527.
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These schemes and services pertaining to the 38 departments, boards and corporations are being provided to the people of the state through more than 6,000'Atal Seva Kendras' and 115 Antyodaya Kendras throughout 22 districts of the state, he said.
The 'Lokayukta Portal' has been developed with several features like acceptance of complaint or grievances, marking of complaint or grievances, enquiry of complaints, disposal of complaints, finalization of complaints and daily cause list.
'Web-Helris', which was also launched on the occasion, is a web-enabled integrated solution for deed registration and land records management.
"Today we are celebrating the birth anniversaries of late prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and freedom fighter Madan Mohan Malaviya," Khattar said.
He said in November 2014, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had announced that every year December 25 would be celebrated as Good Governance Day.
"In the same series, today the sixth Good Governance Day was being celebrated, the chief minister said.
"People elect their representatives with some aspirations and it is the responsibility of government employees and officers to provide the common masses uninterrupted services nearest to their home," he said.
This, he said, could be possible through e-governance.
Khattar said there are about 3.50 lakh government employees in Haryana and they all should work efficiently adhering to the timelines.
While describing corruption as a big menace, he said minimizing human interface and adoption of e-governance could go a long way in eradicating this menace from society.
On the occasion, the chief minister also exhorted the employees not resort to agitations and dharnas to press for their demands and always help maintaining an atmosphere of peace, harmony and brotherhood in the state, the statement said.
He said they should be cautious of those divisive forces which try to create an environment against the government.