Ramaraju Sandesh, a 1st year Marine Science student from Amity University was allegedly shot dead by another student at the Lotus Bouleward Apartment of Sector 100 here yesterday, Zahir Khan, SHO of sector 39 police station said.
Sandesh, a native of Andhra Pradesh was shot at on the 13th floor of his rented apartment, he said, adding the assailants were known to the victim.
The victim's flatmate, Mathur alleged that there was a knock at the door following which Sandesh opened the door and was shot by two armed assailants, police said.
Another flatmate, Nadeem told the police that he heard the victim screaming and saying "Aman do not kill me".
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The body has been sent for post mortem, Khan said.
In another incident, a 16-year-old student of Amity International School was found dead under mysterious circumstances in Green Belt near Gate number 3 of the school, Girendra Pal Singh SHO sector 49 said.
The victim has been identified as Bhaskar Vashishth, a student of class 12, he said, adding that the case appears to be one of suicide as the student was apparently under stress.
We are also working to ascertain the cause of death, they added.