Forest Minister K T Patchaimal told the Assembly that to prevent wild animals from venturing into human habitats, Elephant Proof Trenches (EPT) were dug up to a total length of 434 km at an outlay of Rs 10.62 crore under various schemes.
"Necessary activities have been undertaken to create fodder resources and to improve wildlife habitats inside the forest areas," he said.
Despite government's efforts, 'chance visits' by animals who come out of the forest for food and water, resulted in injuries and/or deaths to humans and damage to property.
Meanwhile, with a view to inform people on the ill-effects of use-and-throw plastic, government will launch a 'Message on Wheels' awareness campaign in all 32 districts of the state.
Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa was keen on reducing the use of plastic and the government had launched awareness efforts in 2011-12 and 2012-13, Environment Minister M C Sampath said.
Replying to the debate on grants for his department in the state Assembly, Sampath said that government had allocated Rs two lakh to each of the districts for this initiative.